Course syllabus

    1. Thank you for writing with Fledgling

    2. How to use this course

    3. Journaling prompts

    4. More about The Nestling Course

    5. Example schedules and course schedule worksheet

    6. Tips for writing to prompts

    1. Wheel Greaser: List of Things You Know

    2. Mini Lecture - Borrowing Forms

    3. Examples: First pages of two hermit crab essays first published in The Shell Game

    4. Prompt: Instructions on...

    5. Assignment for Lesson One - 100 fears

    1. Wheel Greaser: Dream House

    2. Mini Lecture - Fear & Desire

    3. Prompt: Mini Marathon

    4. Assignment for Lesson Two - Type Up Revision

    1. Mini Lecture - The Three Modes of Narrative

    2. Wheel Greaser: Shifting Perspectives

    3. The Shapes of Stories

    4. Prompt: The End

    5. Assignment for Lesson Three - Intro to "Dissection"

    6. Examples of dissection

    1. Journaling Prompts #2

    2. Wheal Greaser: The Letter

    3. Mini Lecture - Making things happen

    4. Prompt: Dialogue practice

    5. Assignment for Lesson Four - Letter Response

    1. Connecting things

    2. Guided Prompt: The Image List

    3. On Developing Shorter Pieces

    4. Assignment for Lesson Five - Organizing your work

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 1 hour of video content
  • Resources and examples
  • 7+ hours of supported writing time
  • Professional manuscript evaluation on up to 10 pages of writing